how much do you charge for your eggs?

scarfing me out of house and Cheerios....

LOL that is so funny!

Yep, $12 a dozen is absolutely ridiculous for duck eggs, lol. I could hardly believe my dd and her friend sold them for that. I dont think that I could have kept a straight face while I asked someone for that much money for eggs. But, the buyers were rich yuppies in silicon valley who use the eggs for baking and pasta making and I guess they were willing to pay. Some of the buyers were Asians who said that they were accustomed to eating fresh duck eggs where they came from but couldnt find any locally so they were happy to buy ours.

I checked at the farmers market last spring and duck eggs there sold for $6.00 a dozen, still a good price. Balut eggs were being sold for $12.00 a dozen. For those who dont know what Balut is.... it is a duck egg that is incubated for 17 days and then boiled. They only use eggs from white ducks for Balut. Yuk!

My dad has a neighbor who is a retired pastry chef who is always happy when he brings her a dozen duck eggs to bake with. She says they are the best for baking.

I love duck eggs.

Well, wish me luck. I think I'm going to ask $1.50/doz for the first time today. I had a woman(used to be on my caseload and wanted my eggs,bad, but I couldn't sell them to her) come to me to buy eggs and she told me I was giving them away at $1.25/doz. It's early in the year, and I guess I can always drop the price if they don't sell.
I've got a different angle on the same question:

How much does it cost to produce eggs (average cost)? I know there are tons of variables, but let's take a basic situation using a standard breed like a Rhode Island Red:

What do / would you use to calculate the costs of producing the eggs and selling them? Let's leave cost of time out of this, but I'd be curious if some of you do you count your time.

You obviously include feed, so how much feed does it take a RIR hen to make an egg? What else do you guys use in your cost calculations?

I think this could make for a super fun discussion and will also help us determine / show some of the costs for keeping chickens.
I only base what I charge on what I can get from them.
Factoring in feed and time will only show that you are losing money. If you factor in water and building costs and any heating costs, meds and such it is even worse. I figure if I take in enough to pay for a goodly part of the feed, I am doing good. The rest, including Cheerios, is on my dime.
Ok... so how much feed does it cost to feed a hen over a year, and how many eggs (average) could you get from her over that time?

Cheerios? That's too funny. I hope everyone has seen my video of our daughter feeding our first chicks a bunch of Cheerios. For whatever reason she felt it necessary to bite them in half first:
I love that vid! I sent it to a friend of mine without prefacing it and she asked why the baby was feeding boogers to the chicks! HA HA HA HA HA!!!

Yeah, Cheerios. I get trampled for Cheerios. Someday there will be a smell from my backyard. They will find my dead flat trampled rotten body holding an empty Cheerios box, surrounded by ducks and geese and chickens WAITING for their next victim..

*edited for apalling spelling*

I sent this topic to my wife to read... she'll totally love that!!!

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