how much do you charge for your eggs?

I sell mine for $2 a dozen. It seems to be a good price.
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They are $5 a doz at our farmers market. I'm just around the corner and sell mine for $3.50. But the farmers market is always sold out way early.
WHOA! I wish I could get $5 a dozen!

I sell mine for $2 a dozen at my work, and $2.50 a dozen at DH's work (he works an hour south of here, in a city that's quite "yuppy-fied" as he says). They go like hotcakes!
I would raise the price for the yuppies, if they go like hot cakes, they will probably pay more for them. I plan on selling mine for $3 a doz.
I was thinking of starting at $5 a dozen for organic brown eggs. I'm into each bird about 50 cents per week (about $3.50 total per bird so far) for organic feed, and they're not going to start laying till december. I can only get organic feed at 1 of the feed stores around here, and it's $27/50 lb bag. I'm going to start ranging them soon, but I want them to have a real solid knowledge on where the roosts are...
I'm raising 26 chicks now and hoping to sell the excess eggs to cover their keep. The major grocery stores here charge $4 for a dozen free range eggs and the local farmers market charges $6 and have people reserving them in advance and have ticked off customers because they sell out within an hour or so (even the 'reserved' eggs).
We'll see what the egg prices in the store are like come early spring here. I think I'll charge $3 a dozen or 2 for $5. If they bring back their cartons, I'll knock off another 50 cents.

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