How much do you sell your duck eggs for?

Here in east Texas- I've seen them anywhere $5-10 dozen. We had success selling 4 eggs for $3 as an add on to our quail eggs.
In the grocery store in Oregon it's $5/doz for the pastures raised chicken eggs at Fred Meyers. Pretty sure I've paid $1/egg or $3/4 eggs for duck eggs at they farmers markets. My ducks are a few months out from being a reality, but just wanted to share this.
Who do Yall sell them to? I'll be going to a farmers market, but how do you get people to try them? I have a few people (more foodie types and chefs are excited about them, but mostly I'm met with a look of fear and an incredulous, "you can EAT a duck/quail egg? WHAT does it even taste like?!" Do you have to do any educating or do you rely on those people who do know what they are?
Hardly anyone around here wants duck eggs, that's why I sell them at a lower price. And I only sell maybe a few dozen a year. I would like to put up a sign but I don't know if that would require a permit to sell eggs from your home.
I have a deal with some friends in which I'll take care of their two ducks (White Layers) and give them 3 dozen eggs per week in exchange for them to pay for all of my feed costs (6 ducks total). In the end it equals about $5 per dozen eggs. Depending on where you are, ducks eggs can go as high as $12 a dozen. I called a local farmer in MD that sells Pekin duck eggs and he sells his for $7 a dozen. You can also look to sell to restaurants which will pay top dollar if your ducks are organic, non-GMO, free range, etc.

I would also assume, your cost should be associated with egg size/duck breed. I have heavy weight ducks so their eggs are very large (85-+100g).

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