How much feed do 3 chicks eat???


5 Years
Mar 13, 2014
I got my three chicks today, finally!
A Rhode Island Red, a light brahma, and a ameraucana. The rir is a little older than the other two and the brahma is the youngest. I got them a three lb bag of chick feed scratch and put it into this feeder I made using a to go pie tin lid and a Gatorade bottle.
I've only had them for a few hours now and ll they do is eat!!!

Am I in danger of over feeding them? Or because they're babies, they literally eat, sleep, and poop?
Okay cool! I was about to panic cuz they've been eating literally nonstop since I brought them home. And I meant the chick starter feed. Lol sorry!
You might as well purchase a 50lb bag of starter/grower, They'll eat it eventually and can be fed that until they start laying then switch over to layer pellets.

A full grown bird eats between 1/4 to 1/3 pound each per day depending on other forage. So a bag of feed then will last nearly 2 months. They wont eat that much until about 4 months old.
So I just picked them up and their little bellies feel super full and are bulging out of their chests. Should I take the feed away?

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