How much feed do I give the chickens?

it is expensive..
.....and i give alot of extra veggies to them also!...they are piggy's!!...
We do give oyster shell, but I mix it in with there feed or I sometimes throw some on the ground. For each other how much a day. On Oyster and grit? I don't have seperate closed in nests or cages. How do you seperate your chichens to feed them this?
I love my piggys, I don't want to get attached to them like I have to my injured one.

I don't want them to experience hunger pains. Everytime I come out to see them. They all gather at the gate to see what I brought them this time. I don't even get this from my husband when I come home, meet me at the door that is. LOL
My girls have always had food/water in the coop and in the run 24/7 along with oyster shell. Veg and produce though out the day, when I pull stuff from the garden.

I don't separate my chickens to feed grit/oyster shell and have it available 24/7 as well but I have only hens, so this isn't a problem.

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