How much to feed grown chickens?


12 Years
Apr 17, 2007
Hey, I'm new here, and recently got four chicks. They're about 3-4 weeks old and I'm feeding them all the start/grow they can eat. However, I was wondering two things:

When can I start giving them treats?

Is there a limit to how much I should feed them once they start laying?

I'm not sure if chickens can get overweight or if it affects their health or laying, so any info/advice would be much appreciated.

My chicks get as much chick starter as they want, it's always in front of them. My grown chickens (all egg-laying hens) get fed once/day, there are 10 hens and they are eating 3 scoops of a scratch/layer pellet mixture, scattered on the ground in their pen. Basicallty I feed them what they eat - so if they are cleaning it up, I'll increase the amount - if they are leaving it, I'll feed them less. They also free-range, so they get stuff around the farm in addition to the feed. Because they free-range they get plenty of exercise and I don't think they look fat to me.

Like people, chickens can be overweight; they also need exercise and proper nutrition. If you don't feed them to much corn or high fat items, they should be fine.

Our birds are almost a year old. They have feed, water, grit and oyster shell available free-choice 24/7. They also forage our farm, so eat much less feed in the warmer months.
Laying hens are less likely to be overweight than other breeds, but it can happen. Fat hens are more prone to laying problems than a fit hen.
If your girls have free range time, this shouldn't be a problem as they get plenty of exercise that way. If they do have to be confined, lots of different levels in the coop is good - they get exercise hopping around, and it helps combat boredom.


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