How much to feed hens?


10 Years
Nov 9, 2009
Hawthorne, CA
Is there a set ounces of food per pound of chicken in regards to feeding chicken? I now have only 4 (2 hens, 2 pullets) chickens now and am wondering how much to feed them. The get to run around on the back lawn and eat all the grass and bugs they want but seem to want to eat a lot more feed when they do that. I hope I am not starving them! My hens are large (JG & BO) my pullets are EEs. I give them treats every evening, like kale, watermelon, alfalfa and sometimes their eggs steamed.

I am sending out their poop samples to UCDavis for a parasite load so I can accurately and safely worm them (I've never done that before)...maybe that's why they are so hungry!

Any secret feed ratio out there??

Generally, it is given at 1/4 pound of pellets per day, per hen. The variables are far too great to be legalistic about it.
Offer then a one pound coffee can of pellets in the afternoon and see if they devour them. If so, it tells you they are still hungry after ranging about.
Conversely, offer a pound of pellets in the morning. Do they devour them? Chicken tend to self regulate their intake.
I see no need to just have pounds of feed laying around attracting mice and other rodents. Try the one pound for 4 birds offer and see if you get any takers.
Hope the worming helps; worms can indeed eat a lot of what the chicken eats.

Most people on here feed free choice. I really have no idea how much they eat, but do know it is less in summer, when they can get grass and worms and such.

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