How much to feed our ducks

Bird Worrier

6 Years
Dec 31, 2017
I feed my ducks 1.5 cups of fermented layer / per bird. I have found that when I back off of this amount, they don't lay daily.
But, 1.5 cups may be too much?
Are your birds overweight? Are you trying to reduce egg laying? Is there reason not to let them self regulate and eat as much as they like?
They are not overweight. I am hoping to get one egg per day. WHen I reduce their food, I don't get the eggs. They each get about 1.5 cups fermented layer grains each day and they eat it all. Right quick.
They are not overweight. I am hoping to get one egg per day. WHen I reduce their food, I don't get the eggs. They each get about 1.5 cups fermented layer grains each day and they eat it all. Right quick.
I feed my birds, who are medium sized at about 5lbs each, about 2 cups of layer pellets a day each. I don't limit their food this just happens to be how much they eat. If they eat it all I give them more.

Unless you need to restrict food for a medical condition like overweight/reproductive issues/another reason recommended by a vet I think it is best to offer as much food as your ducks can eat as long as they also have fresh water available.
That is the nice thing about ducks, they will only eat what they need and stop. I feed FF and always have dry feed available 24-7 with plenty of fresh water.

I feed our mixed flock twice a day like clock work and they act like they have been starved for days when I put their food dish down. Silly little ducks! LOL :gig
I agree that there is no reason for you to limit their feed, just let them eat as much as they need. It makes sense that they wouldn't lay when you limit their food because they can't get enough nutrients to make an egg.

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