How much to pay a chicken sitter?

For one chicken I would hope a close friend would do it for next to nothing especially with the chicken being at their house.

Maybe $150. That’s a bit over $10 per day. Not like they would spend more than an hour per day caring for her.

If it was an entire flock and under different circumstances then I'd say more. But one chicken is one chicken.
I generally charge $20/day for one visit once a day just to check food, water, and collect eggs. (Should note, I also feed + water any other animals at no additional cost.) If I have to come twice a day if they have chicks or something, I bump it up to $25/per day (Egg collecting, feeding, watering, and keeping the brooder clean.)

If I were having to come multiple times a day, to lock the chickens in, let them out, and clean their poop, I would charge far more. Probably $50 per day. However, if it were for a close friend I’d probably discount it to about $30 a day.

I do charge less than most people in the area though, and could probably get away with more. But anymore and I’d feel like I was scamming them, since chickens take care of themselves for the most part.
Not sure what is appropriate…although the idea of rewarding a close friend with dinner, drinks, gifts, etc instead of cash (unless they need the cash) sounds good.

The one key thing I’d strongly suggest is to discuss it within them in advance and come to an agreement. That way, nobody ends up feeling anything but happy afterwards.
I agree with @LaFleche, especially since the chicken will be at her house. A friend shouldn’t charge you anything nor be expecting anything other than ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. If she had to drive to your house, then I think a monetary love gift is appropriate.
I took care of my neighbor's 2 Huskies for 6 days. I cleaned up their messes (inside & out), fed/watered and watched them as they played outside morning & night to prevent hole digging & escape. I didn't enjoy watching their dogs, but I did it to be a good neighbor & figured I may need help with something similar one day. They gave me a $50 gift certificate to a chain restaurant. I was happy to enjoy a night out with my kids and did not expect more from a friend & neighbor. That's what friends and neighbors should do for one another, and reciprocation can come in handy. She may need your help one day!

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