How noisy are meaties?

We have done two batches of Freedom Rangers this summer. With the first batch of 26, there were two that started crowing around 7-8 weeks. With this batch of 50, three or four of them were crowing or attempting around that same time. We processed them at 10 weeks.
This year's brood was a mix of Cornish crosses and layer pullets. Hatched the same day in mid-June.

Meat birds are in the freezer.

As to noise, the meatbirds have never gotten noisy. All I notice is that, likely due to their size, at about 5-6 weeks they start into low chuckles and clucking instead of peeping as the layer pullets of the same age will do for much longer.
I have the same question with the red broilers. Any experience with them? I'd like to get half a dozen along with some Cornish crosses from Ideal next month. I'm in the city and already have three fairly quiet roosters. I don't need loud ones getting me in trouble.
Not real noisy, if you "corn" them a few weeks out they do zizzle a bit in the rotiserre'
I have a batch right now that just turned 8 weeks yesterday and I have about 4 cockerels that all started crowing about a week ago. Scares the holy s*!t out of my cats!!! My first batch never did crow though.

ETA: If they start crowing, they are REALLY noisy.
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Ideal's website says 7 weeks or less for the red broilers to be ready for slaughter. From the comments I have read so far on this thread most of the cockeral's start attempting or crowing at about 6-8 weeks. So, I think they will be ready for slaughter before or at the time they begin crowing.
One or two of my freedom rangers are crowing at about 8 weeks, but it's a half-hearted practice crow. Nothing like a full grown rooster. They are fairly close to the house, 50 ft maybe, but it hasn't bothered me or waken the kids yet.
I've not seen any threads on here when I've searched which indicated that the Ideal red broilers will grow as fast as their website claims, unless they've changed bloodlines. Every thread I've read seems to indicate these birds will take about 10-12 weeks to get to 4-6 pounds dressed weight.
I just ordered 6 red broilers and 10 Cornish cross from Ideal. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully, they won't be too noisy. I'd love to have the red broiler as a slower alternative, since I process alone. It's nice to do one or two at a time and not worry about them dying of heart failure if I wait a little long. I plan on butchering the X Roos first, of course.
Although, this time, it looks like I may have some help, since Mikey ordered a few, too. We may be processing together.

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