How NOT to give a chicken a bath.


11 Years
Sep 22, 2008
Step 1: Chickens + one year old+ chocolate gooey candy=chicken that needs a bath. Her tail feathers were all matted and sticky. Her back was covered in chocolate saliva. I felt bad for the poor birdie.

Step 2: Chickens like warm water in a bucket on the lawn with some dishsoap. I got that part right.
* They dont particularly like having thier faces smashed into bubbly water. (Thanks 3 year old)
* They really dont like having their wet, skinny looking nexts smashed in a toddlers strong little hands. *And when everyone starts screaming "let go! Youre hurting her" it doesnt help the chicken or the One-year old stay calm.

Step 3: Now you have distressed, wet, bubbly chickens. A cold water rinse does not seem like it would be helpful. So, here is what NOT to do. Do NOT bring them in the house and put them in the kitchen sink to spray them off with warm water. They drip all over the floor, but that isnt as bad as what happens if they get thier wings free. Just sayin.

Step 4: Dont do all this at dusk. Then you have three cold, wet, tired, grumpy birds who want nothing to do with a blowdryer, but look so cold.

Better idea: just have a sticky chicken.
i'm sorry to laugh, but that is hysterical. I can just picture it so vividly. Wings flappin tying to get out of the sink, dirty wash water flinging all over everything in your kitchen, kids screaming, baby crying, chicken screeching, feet a clawing trying to escape with it's life and its feathers attached, and you with this look on your face like you are going to kill them all.

OMG that's funny. Sad part is? most of us have been in the exact same spot.
I have learned over the many mistaken baths and my girls that my laundry tub, dawn, and a small bowl to pour rinse water over are good. Towels on the floor ahead of time and an already plugged in hair dryer AWAY from the tub and voila! - clean chicken, minimal mess.

Better luck next time!!!!! (and of course photos next time toooooo!!!!)

here's MayMays last bath.

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Thats okay, it turned out fine, and honestly, it was funny. Everyone took a shower, the kitchen got sprayed with 409 and Popcorn's windpipe DIDNT get crushed when Charlotte grabbed her (I was worried). Today they seem fine, but they did tell me how they felt about me when I didnt have leftovers in my hand when I went out there this morning. I came back with a bowl of oatmeal for them. :)
I feel for ya. I had to give two blonds a bath this weekend. They had scaly leg mites and I was putting Vaseline on their legs and feet and it got their tummy, wings, backs (I don't understand how) all covered w/ dirt and Vaseline. It took me an hour to blow dry each Buff Orpington they are so big and fluffy.
I've never dried to give a chicken a bath- I HAVE tried to blow dry one....11 of my 12 didn't like it, but one LOVED it. She would stand with her neck stretched out and eyes closed. LOL it was hilarious!
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ok so attempting 2 give a chicken a bath is pretty hard lol 1st time owner just got em 2day 8 americanas hens 2 unknown hens and gorgeous rhode island red
ok so attempting 2 give a chicken a bath is pretty hard lol 1st time owner just got em 2day 8 americanas hens 2 unknown hens and gorgeous rhode island red

Well, just plan on getting wet, thats all! :oops:
Actually it depends on how the chicken reacts to being lowered into a tub of warm water. Some go AHH! others go ACK! If you just hang on to those wings and wait for the "action" to be over..OH and keep the little human gremlins locked up [hee hee] you will be fine....:thumbsup :fl
:gig :lau i'm sorry to laugh, but that is hysterical. I can just picture it so vividly. Wings flappin tying to get out of the sink, dirty wash water flinging all over everything in your kitchen, kids screaming, baby crying, chicken screeching, feet a clawing trying to escape with it's life and its feathers attached, and you with this look on your face like you are going to kill them all. OMG that's funny. Sad part is? most of us have been in the exact same spot. I have learned over the many mistaken baths and my girls that my laundry tub, dawn, and a small bowl to pour rinse water over are good. Towels on the floor ahead of time and an already plugged in hair dryer AWAY from the tub and voila! - clean chicken, minimal mess. Better luck next time!!!!! (and of course photos next time toooooo!!!!) here's MayMays last bath.
X's 2 great info fishnet....... maymay looked so content sitting there.....:hugs :love

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