how often do d’Uccles go broody?

It could depend on the strain or even the individual bird. I had a porcelain d'Uccle hen for about a year that never went broody. My friend had 2 mille fleur hens that both went broody but I forgot how old they were then they did. Usually if one hen goes broody it can set the other one to also and that is what happened.
I have just one, a year and a half old and she has never gone broody. The Sebright of the same age has gone broody 7 times so far.....(I have just one of those too.)
I have two 4 year old hens: One self blue Mille Fleur and one self blue. Even at four years old they seem to go broody all the time. In fact, my mille fleur is broody right now for probably the 8th to 10th time this year, it seems to depend on the season somewhat, so I'm hoping with cooler weather on the way, it will slow them down. I love mine so much though, for being such tiny little things, they have the biggest personalities. :rolleyes:

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