How often do Peking Ducks lay eggs?

We just got our first egg - they just turned 6 months old - we use a tire filled with shavings for a nest - they must like it - she laid her first egg there
We have 2 Pekings one male and one female. She started laying eggs almost exactly when she turned 6 months. We have them in an enclosed shelter with like a giant dog house on the ground that we put hay in. She has laid an egg a day almost everyday, and we find them in the little pool we keep in there. She has made what looks to be a nest in the back of the dog house and one Saturday we found 4 eggs in the nest!!! So far we have found a total of 5 in the nest, but we usually find 1 a day in the pool. We have a pond that they get to go in almost everyday, and it seems like the last couple of days she may be trying to build a nest in some small pines we have near a bench by the pond. I have gotten a total of about close to 20 eggs so far.
raised black jersey giants hardly laid eggs. then butchered them and cooked them.. was not pleased meat seemed dry and little tuff.. cooked long time still no good. I free ranged them cause I believe they deserve this.. now looking into peking duck does it taste the same as store bought? are they good. do they lay eggs well.. what s the best time to butcher them? thanks
im gonna say there hideing them they will dig and burry in ground look for odd spots rounded or messey compared to other spots lots of time in corners or behind things use a pitch fork or this stick lightly move the area around mine will even burry them in the straw and i have to look closely we one time after winter found like 15 eggs it was our rue wich we were told was a brown duck male lol but be care full any old ones could be bad so throw out i would find now you know her spot then start fresh also keep an eye she may find new spot near by to hide
I'm getting Pekins at the end of April and hope to have them raise more babies for butchering later in the season. How old are Pekins when they start to lay? Do Pekins make good mothers or are they so heavy that they'll break the eggs?
I have a female and male, last spring she layed all the time, since the end of summer, she has not layed
. My brooder hen layed on her egg last spring and it hatched. She stuck by momma hen till she was about 3months, then she started realizing she was a duck, unfortunately a coyote got her. But we have no eggs from our duck.

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