How often do you visit your chickens?

A LOT!!!!! A few times in the morning before work and a few times after work. On my day off I go out every few hours and then check on them through the window in between visits.
We all spend a lot of time with our flock. Ours are like dogs...when we drive up the driveway they come running out to the end of the run to greet us and see if we have any treats for them. They here me round the house and they come running out to tell me the latest stories and gossip.
I spend as much time as I can with them. I'd say I'm out there at least 6 times a day, not including letting out and putting in. I'd be out longer, if it weren't so darn hot outside! I love just sitting there with them, they run to me when they see me coming, and some will even jump up and roost in my lap. I do love my chicken ladies! ♥ Glad to know I'm not the only one that does this!
My husband says that I spend more time with my chickens than I do with him!!
It is probably true. But how can you say "no" to all your babies when they call to you and come a runnin' when they see you outside?
Great post...I would have to say that I spend ALOT of time with my chickens...I have a lawn chair in the run that I will go and sit and read a book..while they roost on my lap and shoulders. It is hard not to spend time with them when they all come running when they see you..I have to check to make sure they have enough food....then check to see if the food they have is still in the feeding dish..then I have to go in and check to see if there are eggs yet..then check again...then check again to make sure the water is clean..and then....
the DH tells me that I have too many excuses to visit!!
At day 10, they can hear you talking to them and giving them names and calling them pretty bird and . . . or at least that's what I tell the hubby who keeps giving me funny looks while I'm talking to the incubator

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