How often do you Wash yourself?

Whatever it is, I have been told that I haven't achieved it.
Everymorning and Everynight. Wash my hands everytime i get in reach of Soap and Water, my hair gets washed 3times everytime i take a shower (Shampoo/Blond Relief/Conditiner). I think its sicko when people come out of restraunts without washing their hands.
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Normal is a setting on the dryer...and only that.

All you folks who are washing your protective layer of oils and good flora and fauna off your skin several times a day and using antibacterial soap are just setting yourselves up for infection. Hand sanitizer is horribly drying for your skin and creates tiny fissures and cracks in your skin...places for bacteria to enter.

I'm a nurse and I don't wash more than I need to do so and I NEVER use hand sanitizers. I work around some of the very worst germs and secretions and use gloves and ordinary universal precautions but I do not overdo it and get OCD about germs. I've seen the most careful get sick all the time and the most dirty nurses never get ill a's all about timing and existing immunities really.
Lot's of different opinions on the whole situation. To each his own. Everyone should do what they feel is best.

I remember reading that the incidence of staph infections in hospitals has decreased significantly since they started requiring staff to practice better hygiene.
FarmerChick: if I continued to use my old soap, yes, it probably could have killed me because I had a huge infection.

See ... I'm allergic to a chemical that's in almost all soaps and shampoos (among other things). I have several fingers that are raw and bloody and infection from this allergic reaction (I keep them bandaged). So. although I use a washcloth and just water pretty often ... I only shower when I get almost-ripe, or when I'm really hot in the summer I'll take a cool shower. My long hair is fine as long as I keep it in a braid or bun. I clean my face regularly with just a clean wet washcloth.

There's a special laundry soap and bar soap I can use but they are really expensive. I wash my clothes after wearing several times (unless they get dirty). And, although I RINSE my hands often during the day, when I get chicken poo or whatever on them, I just pour a little rubbing alcohol on them after rinsing (yes, it stings). And for things like mixing ground beef for meatballs or other raw meat (or delivering goat babies!), I use rubber gloves.
try washing your clothes in baking soda, or if you can in your area, grow quinua. when you steep the hulls before saving the seeds, they release a soapy substance that is excellent for washing clothes in.

you can also make your own soap.

there are also many other plants that can be made into natural soaps you might like to try too. *hugs* I wish you the best of luck.

Never heard about the soap water from quinoa. We eat it all the time. Will have to try to see if we can grow that.

I have some soapwort seeds and desperately want to try growing that to make soap and shampoo. Have recipes for that. Hmmm.. But ... this year is difficult in many ways so once again, that has to be put on hold.

Thanks for the advice.
you're welcome, hun.

most quinoa you buy at the store has already been washed though so you need unwashed quinoa seed to get the soap from it.

I think you can make a soap from some types of yucka root. There are many soaps you can make at home and not all of them need to be lye based.

i bet you can find info online. also there are many soap makers forums you can check out that can help you too

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