How often does a duck stay with mom like the geese do?

We got two left , drakes won't leave her alone the babies freak out go to the middle of the lake screaming and the turtles have a meal. I got mama to the side and I threw sticks at the drakes while feeding mama, daddy and the 2 babies. Only thing the geese follow me too and they are territorial and they want the seed also so I try to feed them all separately but it is difficult. the baby goslings family are pretty attached and expect special attention and the goslings from last year remember me and want their attention to. I wish I could bring them home until the babies are bigger,..I pray for the little cutties
Mama and dad and 9 babies, how often does a drake stay with mom after the birth of babies? Never saw it before nor the other drakes still trying to mate with her and caused the loss of 7 ducklings
Are these wild birds? Or do you own them? If you own them, separating mom and babies from the drake will be the obvious choice. If they're wild, not much to do except hope the drake will stop bugging mom. :( I have Muscovies, and the drake keeps mating mom after the ducklings are born, acting like the ducklings don't exist.
Thanks, it is the other drakes at the pond that are after her and she has loss 7 already

Have these other drakes found a mate this year? Single ones can be quite persistent in their quest to mate. Usually wild drakes will retire to a "gentleman's club" away from the females after their mate has gone broody. It'd be useless energy spent for them to follow the girls around after they've had their babies. Single, desperate ones might try to kill the ducklings in order to make the female start laying eggs all over again. Poor momma! :(

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