How often should I check on my chicks?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 15, 2014
They're about 2-3 days old, im guessing, since USPS took 2 days. 1 didn't make it, but the remaining three are doing great. How often should I check on them? I keep getting up every tie I hear them peep... actuay now theyre being too quiet witch makes me worried... Im gonna go check on them for the 20th time in 15 min
You should check on them at least twice each hour. Chicks do well entertaining themselves. Just make sure they aren't cooking or freezing and make sure they have food and water.
Quiet is good. That means they're not stressed.

Provide good food, fresh water, a warm spot and cool space. Those are the basic starting points.
Good footing, like paper towels to begin with then sand or pine shavings.
A probiotic and #1 chick grit are good things to provide.

If you're sure they have food, water and appropriate temperature, you don't have to check them at all. Although it is a good idea for a first timer to check because you may have missed something.
Where are they located? I have mine in the kitchen in a Dog kennel. They are three days old this morning. I check on them about twice an hour for the first few days. One of the most important things is to be sure they are drinking and eating. and check for pasty butt, other than that they basically take care of themselves.
I check on mine probably 10 times a day! They're eating, drinking and boppin around. When I go down and don't hear peeping I panic for a minute! But then I remember ohhhh they must be content! I have mine in the basement with a heating lamp in a big tote...defiantly keep checking for pasty butt...other then that they'll be fine!!!

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