How old are your eggs when sold?

I sell mine daily so I dont have any experience to help you out.
I'm sure that the ones folks get at the store are older than that
When you buy store eggs they are between 2 weeks and a month old before they hit the counter. My eggs rarely last. I pretty much sell out every day. On the plus side if a customer is going to boil the eggs they definitely will peel better if they have been refrigerated for a week or two. If I get any eggs with a crack or punctured in any way, I throw them in the freezer and use them for baking. I have eaten them.
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I sell all my eggs when I go to the hot springs close to me for exercise classes. I go every Tue. So my eggs are a week old. It never seems to bother the people because they all want them. In fact today when I went in with only 4 doz eggs the man at the counter bought them all and the girls in the class were all put out that there were none left for them. One lady paid in advance for a doz for the next Tue so she would be sure to get some. LOL Once they get hooked on eggs from chickens that are raised on the land they don't want to go back to store bought.

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