How old do eggs need to be to peel easily


9 Years
Sep 3, 2010
My son loves hard boiled eggs, so I was planning to put aside some eggs specifically for him to have hard boiled. I am a bit tired of cutting the egg in half and mangling it with a spoon to get it out.
Huhhh...I thought the key was putting them under really cold water (then the fridge) after removing from heat. I didn't know age of the egg had anything to do with it
I have seen topics on here concerning this...a method to make fresh eggs peel easily, but I cant remember what it was. If you put "boiling fresh egs" in the search box at the upper right hand corner of the page, it would probably pull them up.
Bring water to a rolling boil with a palm full of salt. Put ROOM TEMPERATURE EGGS into water and continue boiling for 14 minutes. Ice shock and they will peel!
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fresh eggs are very hard to peel, as are Cortunix eggs when hardboiled...I have a nifty trick I use.....after hard boiling them....I dump the eggs for a soak in takes the shell off and leaves a nice, non ripped up boiled egg...once you rinse them you cannot taste the vinegar either. Works great.
I am going to try that, seems like to me. It takes at least 3 weeks in the fridge before I have any luck peeling them. I think the eggs you get at the store are over a month old, which is why they peel better.

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