How old is too old to breed female Coturnix quails for a backyard flock?


Apr 30, 2022
I have 6 female Coturnix quail which I love and have raised since hatch. They are now about a year old and I was hoping to breed them with a young non related male quail I have.
They have never been under artificial light for egg laying.
Is it too late for me to start incubating eggs now so I can get a handful of offspring from them?
Thank you for your time.
i just incubated 14-ish eggs from 2yr old ladies. I got 5 chicks that hatched and are doing good. So it can still work, you just might have to do a lot of smaller batches since you don't have a lot of birds. Because you will still need to deal with making sure to get enough females if that's your goal.

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