How old to free range and where to put at night


In the Brooder
Feb 8, 2017
Sorry for all the questions! We would like to free range our ducks during the day and put them in at night. At what age should we allow all day free range? And does everyone actually close them in their house at night, or just their house/run combo? Thanks!
Sorry for all the questions! We would like to free range our ducks during the day and put them in at night. At what age should we allow all day free range? And does everyone actually close them in their house at night, or just their house/run combo? Thanks!
Mine started free ranging at an early age because they are always with a mama. If they were raised by me probably would have to be at least 12 weeks old. I am pretty protective and mine free range in fenced property also.
I do put mine up every night in their houses lock the door and sleep knowing they are safe. If you leave them out side even in a run there is alot you have to do to protect them from preds.

Welcome to BYC @FeelingDucky
@Miss Lydia thanks for your post! We're in the design stage of their house and run and am trying to figure things out.
@Miss Lydia Thank you so much, that article is great and answered a lot of questions.

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