How old were your pullets at point of lay?


8 Years
Apr 26, 2012
Boise, Idaho
How old were your pullets at point of lay?
Just wondering maybe we could list breed or type and age?

I have 8 pullets that are 20 and 21 weeks old, 4 that have started to lay

Golden Sex Link 17 weeks 6 days
Golden Sex Link 18 weeks 3 days
Amber White SL 19 weeks 0 days
Plymouth Barred Rock 19 weeks 6 days
Rhode Island Red 20 weeks 5 days

three still to go! 2RIR @ 22 weeks, and 1 Amber SL @ 23 weeks
Last edited:
Red Sex Link - 16 Weeks
Red Sex Link - 16 Weeks 2 Days
Red Sex Link - 17 Weeks
Leghorn - 17 Weeks
Leghorn - 17 Weeks 2 Days
Leghorn - 18 Weeks
Leghorn - 20 Weeks
Black Australorp - 22 weeks
Buff Orpington - 20 weeks (since deceased)
Buff Orpington - 24 weeks (since deceased)
Barred Rocks (2) - I have no idea because the were already laying when I got them.

Speckled Sussex - 19 weeks
Delaware - any day now, squatted for me over the weekend.
Gold Sex-Link - hopefully any day now though she's not squatting yet. Comb and wattles are still small and not super red.

Side note: I was sure my Delaware would lay first out of the last three on the list. Her comb and wattles are huge and really red. The Speckled Sussex laying first surprised me because her comb and wattles are small and pink and there was no visible squatting. More proof that each chicken is different and they'll lay when they lay.

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