How should I handle baby quail to get them used to me?

Eggs mainly
I just saw this post but to get them used to you, you will need to be around them a lot. I am currently hatching some out. They can be very sweet birds if taught from a young age. I used to have one that would get on my shoulder like a parrot. I would also look at your states regulations on birds because gambels quail are native to the state so depending on where you live you may need a permit.
I just saw this post but to get them used to you, you will need to be around them a lot. I am currently hatching some out. They can be very sweet birds if taught from a young age. I used to have one that would get on my shoulder like a parrot. I would also look at your states regulations on birds because gambels quail are native to the state so depending on where you live you may need a permit.
Interesting. I read they only lay once a year
Interesting. I read they only lay once a year
Yes they only lay during spring to early summer. In captivity the breeding season can extend a couple of months. I think what the person meant when she said using them for eggs, was that they would sell the eggs as they are quite profitable. In captivity it is also known that they are more likely to lay more than 1 clutch and usually each clutch contains 10-30 eggs.
Heyo. Recently, my buddy asked me if I wanted to take some baby quail from him since he knew I had been interested in getting some. I know how to feed them and take care of them, but I don’t know how to get them used to me. They aren’t imprinted on me, and usually run when I get close to the cage, they just all huddle in a corner. I was wondering if this is just natural for quail babies, and what I could do to get them a little more attached to me. I’ve been trying to pick them up with an open hand but they don’t seem to like it. Any advice?
I've read they like their throat and chest stroked.

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