how soon can a young hen go broody?

They can but it is rare. Most heavy breeds take a lot longer than light breeds and bantams. However some breeds are less likely to go broody than others. I think 2 weeks is way to early, besides her body wont be up to standard yet as she settles into the laying routine . I'd say she prob wont go broody till she is around a year old or older. Genetics also play a part, some peoples strains lay more, grow bigger go broody more etc and some never go broody. I'd give her time and just see
thanks for the advice! Well since that post, she is sitting happily on a small clutch of eggs & I haven't seen her off them! She growls if you try to touch her & seems very trance-like. Very exciting, but a shame as I don't think she's missed a day since starting to lay. 2 of the eggs aren't even hers-larger ones from a shaver.
Is there a possibility of the eggs being fertile? if so then good luck, you might get some babies. Yes she will growl and sometimes hiss, its her way of telling you to back off, those are HER eggs lol
I have a Maran that has laid for a month and then went broody I tested her for about a week before finally moving her and giving her a clutch of eight eggs, she is about 5 days in now and doing great so far, she gets up once or twice to do her thing and stays hidden in her little spot .... I know she may or may not finish the job and although I typically don't allow this until they are atleast a year old I thought what the heck, got some eggs in the bator two days behind her so if she leaves them I am covered.... cant stand to waste a good broody :)
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