How soon can I put a hen back in the coop/run with the other chickens?

The Zoo

10 Years
May 13, 2009
Hayward, CA
My hen was the victim of an overly randy rooster and lost some feathers on her head and got some cuts and gashes.
I have her isolated inside the house and the wounds aren't bleeding and are healing well. She still has no feathers obviously.

How soon can I put her back out with the roo and other hens? Do I need to wait till she is completely healed and refeathered? She seems awfully lonely.

Also - can I take her outside and let her dust bathe and scratch around alone for a bit without the other chickens or do I run the risk of infection? I'm willing to hang out with her while she's in the run so I can keep an eye on her.
I would not re-integrate her - specifically not with that roo - with open wounds, bleeding or not. And no, i also wouldn't have her outside.

Now, one option is to blue-kote the heck out of her to camouflage those wounds from the other chickens and maybe put one of the others in with her for company until she heals more. But i don't think i would let her anywhere near that roo until the wounds are completely healed. The feathers may not grow back for quite some time, so you don't want to wait that long.
Unfortunately I have a very small coop (4 chickens only) and so have no way of keeping her from the roo.
He actually seems to have gotten much better within the past 2 days and is now courting his ladies versus jumping on them. He mated with my injured hen's 'sister' this morning with a minimum amount of fuss from her whereas before she would run away and squawk loudly. He is 7 months old and just learning the ropes.

I will keep her in the bathroom until she heals - I'm ok with that. Better safe than sorry.
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I read that you can put Vaseline on the wound (after it's healed) and the other chickens will leave it alone (as they don't like the taste). Anyone had any success with that?

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