How tall should the fence of my run be?

Agent Idaho

In the Brooder
Dec 18, 2016
I'm thinking about getting silkie chickens and maybe a polish or 2, and i was wondering how tall i should make the fence so they can't fly out. I also have a German Shepard so i have to keep him out as well.
I don't have either of those breeds, but the many kinds I do own have shown they can fly over a 5' fence. I stretch bird netting over the top. Some people put hardware cloth over the top for added protection.
We went with about 7 foot. We shall see how it goes. My chicks are still babies. Lol. They are a heavy breed too, so hopefully not into flight much.

In the past we did free range, or some fencing without issue, but now we live in town and need to keep them in and dogs out. Fingers crossed.

Good luck with whatever you choose.
I'm thinking about getting silkie chickens and maybe a polish or 2, and i was wondering how tall i should make the fence so they can't fly out. I also have a German Shepard so i have to keep him out as well.
Tall enough that you can walk upright in it without knocking your hat off with the netting you're going to put over the top.
I would say at least 6 feet is good, that is the height we have to make the kennel fence for our German shepherds so they can't hop out. A German shepherd can easily clear a 4 foot fence and some more athletic ones can hop over a 5 foot fence. Trained German shepherds could probably hop a 6 foot fence or climb one. Also, a 6 ft fence is tall enough for the majority of people to walk around in if you cover it with netting. A 3 or 4 foot fence could keep silkies in but would keep almost nothing out. I am not sure how high a fence would need to be to keep polish in but they could and did jump a 5 ft one when I had them several years ago. I assume a polish could hop a 6 ft fence if it was not covered but if you decide not to cover it then you could always just clip their wings.

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