How to apply clotrimazole 1% for fungal skin infection?


Dec 16, 2022
I am asking for a quail but I am guessing the answers probably apply to most of poultry.

My quail has a rare yeast skin infection that is sensitive to clotrimazole, ketoconazole and nystatin.

My treatment of choice is going to be topical clotrimazole 1%. I've seen they sell it in two formats, a liquid (drops or spray) and a cream. Both with the same concentration.

My questions are:

-What do you think it's best to use? I am guessing the spray because the product will dry out quickly and I guess that prevents quail ingesting it while pruning, or at least in less quantity that what she'd eat with a cream.

-If I only find a cream, how should I apply it? Should I cover the lesions with vet tape all the time after application? Or can I just apply the cream with no need to cover where I've applied it?

-How many times a day do you have to apply it?

-How much of her body would be too much to treat with this? She has infection over several areas. Probably 10% of her body maybe.

-Is it a problem to apply it over very small wounds? I mean like 2-3mm.

My main concern is if it's safe to apply such products in case she ingest a small amount while pruning, or if it's ok and it's safe and I shouldn't worry about that.

She is in isolation so other birds are not a concern. She is in a box with shavings as bedding.

I'd really appreciate some answers to figure this out.

Thanks in advance

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