How-To Article....How to Vaccinate Chicks for Mareks...with Good Pics

can you vaccinate adult chickens??
I have had 2 die in the last symptoms until they're lethargic in the morning, not eating in the afternoon & dead by morning???
help! I'm going on vacation tomorrow & I don't want to come home to an empty henhouse! (my friend will feed & water them, but medicating them is a stretch...unless it's the vitamins in their water)
You can... but it won't do any good. Some vets believe that you can boost their immunity by doing this, but there's no proof for or against that theory. To vaccinate successfully for Marek's Disease, you have to vaccinate before they're exposed to the chicken strain. The vaccination gives them the harmless turkey strain.
Thanks for the article Cynthia. And the guys got a sense of humor
Most poultry supply stores carry it. I know that First State Vet carries it, I think Cutler, Randall & Burkey, and JS West Feed do too. It's around $13 for 1000 doses. Only fresh for one day though. Some poultry shows have it for sale too. I order it in packages of 6. Be sure to get Sterile Diluent too if it doesn't already come with the vaccine. Or, buy a turkey and rub the chicks all over the turkey. It'll innoculate them with the same virus (the vaccine is made from the turkey virus).
I buy Marek's vaccine from Twin Cities Poultry. They have excellent customer service and have been the least expensive I've found. And the Shagbark article is what I used to learn how - it's a great one. Thanks for posting, Cyn!

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