How to Befriend a Chick


12 Years
Nov 13, 2007
Hello. I envy you. Your chicks love you, while mine, well, nothing. You can handle them without them complaining, while when I handle them they go on rampage. I take care of them with all my little money, visit them regularly, provide them clean feed, water and fresh shavings, let them relax and enjoy free-range, then peck a chunk of flesh out of me? I see many pictures of you playing with your wonderful chicks and chickens, why can't I? What did I do wrong? Huh? WAAAAH!

I can't make friends with my chicks!

Just want to express my anger.
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What breed are they? Don't fret about them not being friendly. Most little peeps aren't really friendly. They're still working on instinct and will scatter for just about anything you do except feed them. One or two may decided they like you, but the rest will freak out no matter how nice you are to them. If you do end up with a friendly one, that's the one to work with.
If I remember right in a post yesterday he said he thinks they're a couple of days ago he talked about how roughly his grandma handles them....that could account for some of their unfriendliness.
You're right about grandma......

I try catching or handling them with our aquarium net. It's very soft and strong. If they're in the net, they don't freak out. And, if I am about to catch them with the net, they still don't panic much even if they see the net coming to them. Is that ok? They seem comfortable when in the net.

Oh and the treats.............I tried to give them cracked corn........they can put it in their beak but can't swallow mom and dad doesn't allow me to give them oats because it's the only breakfast we have everyday.
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I wouldn't catch them with the net really, since they will associate net with being caught and them being still is their "give up" mode. If a chicken submits, they stop moving.
Whenever I pick up my girls I tell them right away that they are safe, and they can relax. I try to keep everything I say in the positive. (instead of saying "don't struggle")

I also complement them outrageously, tell them how cute they are now, what beautiful hens they will grow up to be, how great they look in their new 'big girl' feathers, ect. I really think they like it.

Also, I picked breeds that are known for their sweet personalities, so that may have a lot to do with it.

Amy, and Gillian the silly BO, Ella the BR explorer, and sweet little Numi the Black Star
Hello folks

I just held a chick in my hand! They didn't peck or scratch or anything...........they seem relaxed in my hand and don't struggle. It looks like they like it more in my hand than my grandma's; the chicks would go berserk in her hand, while mine is quiet. When grandma is about to put them down she throws them carelessly. When I tried to hold the chick the second time, she kept quiet. I hope this doesn't change the next time.............I'll practice more so the chick could be my friend!

Thanks to all your help

Oh and I was wearing snow gloves this time so they won't hurt my hand and would be more comfortable. (although we don't have snow here.....hehe)

Just one more chick pecks hurt really bad? I've been pecked by one of my chicks once, it didn't hurt much but I think that doesn't count. Is it agonizing? Will it wound you? Will they take a chunk of flesh from you? Will blood spurt out of the wound? Gwahaha..... :thun

Thanks in advance
Just one more chick pecks hurt really bad? I've been pecked by one of my chicks once, it didn't hurt much but I think that doesn't count. Is it agonizing? Will it wound you? Will they take a chunk of flesh from you? Will blood spurt out of the wound? Gwahaha.....

Uh, no... alothough it does pinch it doesn't hurt much at all, you really don't need those snow gloves, I promise
I have 13 chickens (12 girls and 1 roo) and of the 13, about 5 of them like to be handled. The 2 BRs and 2 Delawares are always the first to greet me. The Delawares peck at my clothes and at me, but not in a mean way, I think they're cute! None of them (the 13) try to peck me when I handle them, and I try to pick them up and examine each one at least a couple of times a week. This is to socialize them to humans, as well as to check them for injuries parasites etc... Occasionally, Opal, a Delaware will bite and twist my skin. It smarts pretty good, but only until she lets go. And, no it doesn't cause a wound or spurt blood. (She gets a good scolding and ignored for awhile after she does it, and she hates to be ignored!! She things she's the queen, and always should be the center of attention!!) lol

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