How to boil and easily peel a Quail Egg

7 minutes straight in VERY SALTY boiling water, then right in cold ice water has turned out to be just right (as far as being cooked just right to pickle), but I guess I'm just jinxed when it comes to experiencing that "easy" peeling y'all are talking about
I wish I could zip through them quickly, because I'd have a pickling operation goin' on here that would make any wife fuss...LOL I love me some pickled eggs..............and everybody wants to be a friend when they find out you make'em
Sorry, but I beg to differ on it being that easy..........especially the shell coming off "in one movement". I've tried all sorts of alterations in the boiling process, but I've never had one yet that just comes off "in one movement" ....... (and I've boiled several hundred this summer).

Also, IMHO, I think the chicks need to start out on a commercial feed that has the suggested protein to get them off to a good start in body-building. Not to say that having a little treat every once in a while is wrong, but they don't get anything except high protein commercial feed from me for the first 3 months at a minimum. I think one reaps the befefit of the high protein feed, whether they process the birds to eat, or keep from reproduction. But that's just me........

doing it this way most of my coturnix have started laying at 5 1/2 weeks all are laying at 6-6 1/2 weeks My bobs are still laying

I just tap the eggs on both ends and peel from the air cell end they are easy to peel but I boil mine in vinegar .

Does the vinegar by any chance weaken the membrane? I've about come to the conclusion that's what some of the so-called "latex" surgical gloves are made out of....Quail Egg Membrane......LOL That's some stubborn stuff to un-wrap
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doing it this way most of my coturnix have started laying at 5 1/2 weeks all are laying at 6-6 1/2 weeks My bobs are still laying

I just tap the eggs on both ends and peel from the air cell end they are easy to peel but I boil mine in vinegar .

Does the vinegar by any chance weaken the membrane? I've about come to the conclusion that's what some of the so-called "latex" surgical gloves are made out of....Quail Egg Membrane......LOL That's some stubborn stuff to un-wrap

It softens it a lot to me it tears easier kina peels like an apple with a knife if you are good
i have tried the hard boiled eggs in vinegar for 12 hours after you have boiled them
the shell will be gone and the membrane is easy to peel but when you eat them they have a foul vinegar taste to me
it not the taste of a pickled eggs but a very gross tasted to me so i just put up with the hard to peel so i can get that great pickle egg taste
you can try what i do with chicken eggs. just heat up a can of pickled beets and pour the juice (and beets if you like or use them for something else) over the warm eggs in a nice glass jar or container that will not stain, using as many cans of beets as needed to cover the eggs or add a bit of water. Cap and store in the fridge for 3-4 days before eating. I have even done this with my favorite sweet pickle's juice. no need to make your own brine just heat up the store bought and reuse it. This can be done with spicy dills also...yummy and easy.
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