how to build a large run


6 Years
Mar 11, 2013
I'm new to this. I want to raise about 3 hens for laying. I want to build a large run for them. Can anyone help.
The coops section of the website is a very good source for construction activities. I just built the "
trictle's Coop​
" with a modified design to increase the amount of chickens I can have in here.

take a look at the medium to large coops and you might find your answer. I found it very helpful to buy a book on woodworking. It taught me how to measure and cut correctly as well as use the metal square
Welcome to BYC!!
Glad you joined us!!
The coops section of the website is a very good source for construction activities. I just built the "
trictle's Coop​
" with a modified design to increase the amount of chickens I can have in here.

take a look at the medium to large coops and you might find your answer. I found it very helpful to buy a book on woodworking. It taught me how to measure and cut correctly as well as use the metal square
X 2 Welcome to BYC.
Greetings from Kansas and
! Pleased you joined our flock! I agree with the above posts about going to the coops/run section. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Good luck and have fun!
Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!

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