How to catch the escapee?


13 Years
Feb 7, 2010
South East Kansas
I step in the pen, the mandarin hen fly's out. (yesterday)
Today, around 6:45 the wood ducks came flying in through the trees while i was feeding. And while the mandarins in the pen where squawking/calling i heard a far off squawk of a hen that didn't come from the wood ducks. Couple seconds later i see my hen circling the mile section calling back to the ones in the pen. After about 10 minutes of flying around and landing in the neighbors pond she finally landed in my pond. (for some reason the birds where really flying tonight because i had a bunch of teal fly over me then...)
She will let me walk up to the pond without flying away as long as i move slow....

Now how do i go about catching her?
My idea

take a net, move slow, bend down, and THRAP! (i dunno what sound)_ have her under the net but make sure you scoop her up so she doesnt swim under it (im confsued, its a duck right?) and the quickly pull it out, this is mostly a quick thing, requires a lot of speed
AlsoTry to lure her in closer with food while shes occupied maybe. Or better yet if you can throw a cast net. Whatever you do the first time you try to get her will be your best chance. Good luck!
My pens have a coop attached with a pop door....

I send all the birds in the coop inside, close that pop door
to keep those inside. Open the pen door & wait.

Generally my escapees hang out near the pen because
all their friends are in the pen it escaped from.

The escapee has always gone back in to eat &/or
feel the security of the pen.

Good luck with your catching.
Perhaps take two dog kennels, or cages. Put some mandarins in one and place it by the pond with in the other pen right beside with the door open and a string attached, place food in cage and near by... Get a book and a chair and wait... Hehe
I had to work today and run some errands and didn't get back till a little bit ago so now major catch pen construction as of yet. Attempt #1 was a fail. She was actually on top of the aviary and i tried sneaking up behind the sight barrier but made to much ruckus. (dang leaves...)

Don't know where she went, i could hear here squawk in the distance but for some reason after she flew back over she shut up and i don't know where she landed.... ugh...

Funny while at work one of my boss's red golden males got out and flew about 70 yards then across the road. I grabbed a fish dip net and hustled over, chased the sucker through about 10 yards of sticker bushes (blackberry) then he took off on me back toward the old house/garage and i cornered him why can't i have that good of luck with the hen? lol
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My idea

take a net, move slow, bend down, and THRAP! (i dunno what sound)_ have her under the net but make sure you scoop her up so she doesnt swim under it (im confsued, its a duck right?) and the quickly pull it out, this is mostly a quick thing, requires a lot of speed

Mandarins, yes ducks. They are cousin to the wood duck and can fly just as well. Even with my 5ft bird net i can't get close enough. Although i would kill to have the speed to do that. lol
When my teal would escape and come back to sit on top of the aviary netting I would cut a small hole in the netting where I would see the bird sitting at night. I would make the hole during the day while the bird was gone. The next day it would be back in the pen due to having fallen through the hole at night. Then I'd tie up the hole.
Also had one that lurked on the ground. Made a cage with a funnel entrance and placed favorite feed inside. No matter what method its a pain.
The best possible way to catch an escapee if you can't leave the pen open, is the cage & string method. Place favorite food on the ground & a bottomless cage over it. Put the food at the back so she is fully under the cage when eating. Prop up one corner with a light stick & tie a string to it. Balance the twig so that it falls with the slightest tug. Hide with string in hand & pull when she comes to eat. I always used this method to catch wild birds for studying, as a youngster.
I had one get out before. it came back to the pen and i guess wanted back in with all the others but when i got near she flew away. so you could prop the door open or use a rope and pull it open. maybe get some food by the aviary.

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