How to check for lice and mites?


8 Years
Apr 9, 2011
Meridian, ID
I'm trying to figure out what exactly I am looking for when checking for lice and mites. Are there any specific areas to look at and particular color and size for lice and mites? I'm not sure what exactly I should be looking for when checking and info or links to pictures or video's would be greatly appreciated. I tried searching but didn't come up much, hopefully I didn't miss an obvious thread!
That's a great link with pictures. I am trying to be more proactive with checking and I just wanted to make sure I knew what I was looking for! So far the one hen I have inside who is not well does not appear to have them.
I have been wondering this as well. One of my silkies has some small white clumps under his beak. Could these be lice eggs? I have two silkies and I noticed that their wing feather quality hasn't been so great. So I have had suspicions for a while now.

What is the best way to treat feather lice?
I have been wondering this as well. One of my silkies has some small white clumps under his beak. Could these be lice eggs? I have two silkies and I noticed that their wing feather quality hasn't been so great. So I have had suspicions for a while now.

What is the best way to treat feather lice?

See in post #2 of this thread...the ohioline site has great info. on lice treatment with Sevin dust. Don't forget to retreat. The nits can be dissolved with warmed coconut oil I have read on BYC...but takes a few days to do the dissolving. Some cut out the feathers with the nits. This is only after the lice are dead.
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Be sure to really lift up their wings and expose areas of skin when looking for mites on silkies. They're so fluffy, sometimes the mites are hard to spy. I've noticed in particular mites congregate around their vent when I've not seen them elsewhere on their bodies. When in doubt, I'd say dust them with some 7dust as a preventative. But remember, you need to retreat within 10 days to ensure they're gone (and don't forget to completely cleanout the coop & give it a good dusting!) I've also read that alternating your methods of treatment is also more effective than using the same treatment continuously. Other than 7dust, you can also use Ivomec pouron (be cautious with dosing), Adams Spray, and Adams Flea & Tick Shampoo.
I did look under the wings actually. These birds are only about 3 months old and live indoors currently, and they're black. I couldn't see anything. Just what appeared to be white egg masses on the neck.

I've heard recommendation of the Adams spray. That would be easier for me to get. Where can you find Seven dust?
Well I am starting to have second thoughts about my hen I mentioned previously. When we were blow drying her from a warm water soak, I saw this little light tan bug crawling on me, and so did my hen and she pecked at it. I swear I felt bugs crawling on me the rest of that night in my hair. And I have felt it a few nights afterwards. I spend quit a bit of time in the evenings with my hen, feeding her food and treats and cleaning out the towels in the bathtub she poops on during the day while I am at work. I tired checking her again tonight but it is hard with one hand since I have to help her balance. Just now I found another little bug running in my hair that looked like the other bug I found. Would it be lice? And are chicken lice and mites transferable to other pets such as my kitty that is sitting on my lap?

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