How to clean my ducks


5 Years
May 4, 2016
I have two very pretty white ducks and they are almost perfectly white except for their heads and their stained undersides. I was wondering if there is any way to clean them off. They are stained brown and I've washed them in dawn and they bathe themselves everyday in a pool but it never comes off fully
you washed ducks in dawn? Full grown ducks? Thats not a great idea because it stripps the oil off their feathers and destroys their water proofing

Adding apple cidar vinager to their bath water is usualy good
you washed ducks in dawn? Full grown ducks? Thats not a great idea because it stripps the oil off their feathers and destroys their water proofing

Adding apple cidar vinager to their bath water is usualy good

They are still ducklings technically they are about 10-12ish weeks old
how about some pics of these dirty little duckies
Actually unless you going to be showing them I wouldn’t worry about it they’ll clean themselves. Don’t use Dawn as mentioned and to keep pool water less nasty you can add a cup of ACV to it but if they are swimming in that pool behind them then nothing needs to be done to it. That’s gorgeous.

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