How to clean out coop in preparation for new chicks..


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 18, 2008
We just recently bought our house that has a chicken coop w/bunny coop. The chicks are getting ready to be able to go outside. I want to give the coop a real good clean out to make sure theres no mites, lice, etc living there. What should I do/use?
If you have a pressure washer, you could start with that. Then get in there with a scrub brush with a weak bleach soulation. Rinse that out and wash down again with soap and water. Rinse that out. Dust the coop, I use D E. Seems to be the best. I use D E about once a month after that. Dust down any feathered chickens before putting them in your coop. You don't want to put a chicken with bugs in there after all that work.

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