How to cull a chick?

My husband was getting enthused about raising japanese bantams until I sat him down and talked seriously to him about the really high cull rate. 50% or higher because of the leg length issue.

I told him, I raise chickens for eggs and meat. I treat them well and give them painless exits when needed, but I won't be the one to cull chicks for just appeareance sake. If he really wanted to raise show quality birds he would be the one taking the heads off 2 and 3 day old chicks at every hatch. He turned pale then green the more he thought about it. Now he's getting some Japanese, but just a couple for pets, he won't raise them.
Depends if you want to raise short leg japs for show and if you have space to grow them out to a size people want to buy. All mine are long legged and they still sell easily once they get close to laying age. Not for high prices but I never plan to have to cull beyond selling my extras or putting down a deformed or severely injured chicken. I actually prefer the long legged ones for free range because they can get around better. They have less issues being in a mixed size flock, running through tall grass, over obstacles, or away from predators. The white ones also stay cleaner raised up off the ground more. Lots of people who aren't into showing actually like the long legged japs. If I do end up having to cull because I have too many extra birds not of a variety someone wants I'll just let them grow to adults and then cut off their heads for dog food. Not likely to happen often since if it's a hen it sells even if it's a mutt banty. Extra roos are really my only problem and so far all my jap roos are selling. The standards are the ones I end up having to butcher. It's not really any different than raising meat chickens or any other breed except you have to wait longer for them to be big enough to be worth butchering.

I really don't see any reason for culling a chick just based on appearance. Either someone will want it for eggs or it can be used for food. If you don't have space to let chickens grow for a few months you probably don't have space to be raising chickens in the first place.
We had a chick this spring that needed to be put down I gave it to hubby to take out back and just shoot.

That evening I come to find out that he had a very hard time doing it he was carrying it in his shirt pocket all day while doing yard work. He's not really an animal person so this really touched me. Apparently he was ganna try to make a special pen in his barn to try to raise the chick to be his pet. He is a mechanic and NO animals are allowed in his barn its only for tools and such. (I have my own animal buildings.)

Anyhow eventually he did take it out in the field and shot it said it was very quick and nothing was left. (Im not sure which gun he used.)
I raise my chickens for meat and eggs so culling is just part of the job. I dont name then other then chicken noodle fried chicken well you get the idea. I dont view them as pets I respect them and try to proved them with happy lives till its time. I chop there heads of thank them before i do for being a good bird and feeding my family its quick and over they dont suffer and it takes a second. watch a few chicken factory vidios see how the animals are treated and think about how lucky your birds are not to be raised there they had a better life.Thats how I prepare for a cull. I know alot of people are going to have a fit. but think about the life that bird had in the factory u buy in the bag at the store. buy supporting those factories you are condeming the birds to that life. doing it ur self they can live a better life.Sorry if i upset you but Imo
I agree. What matters is the chickens having a good life which they don't have in factory farms. Its funny how most people say if they had to kill animals themselves for meat then they'd be vegetarians (I understand that too though and I think its great that they wouldn't be able to kill them).
I agree. What matters is the chickens having a good life which they don't have in factory farms. Its funny how most people say if they had to kill animals themselves for meat then they'd be vegetarians (I understand that too though and I think its great that they wouldn't be able to kill them).

I would only kill something that had a good, fair amount of time on earth. I think that factory layers should be given some time in a real pasture before they get killed. If you keep chickens, even if you kill them, it is a better life
I had a dream last night that I was throwing some of my duck's eggs in the pond for my fish to eat and I cracked them open before throwing them in so that the fish wouldnt have to break thru the shells and there turned out to be half formed ducklings in the eggs (they were really wierd looking and were peeping..) I freaked out and didnt know what to do. I thought about throwing a huge rock on them but I couldn't do it so I drowned them and then, in my dream, I thought back to this thread and thought 'BYC is going to be so mad at me for drowning them'
RIP my little chick "Mascara." I tried to nurse her back to health, but her issue was more than I could handle. Turned out that she had a slipped tendon or something like that. She could not walk, ended up falling face first into the dirt with both legs behind her. Just completely helpless. I had to cull her. No matter what you do, just know that Nothing, no particular choice will make you feel better about doing the deed. You will still cry, feel guilt and sorrow. The upside is that you can investigate the injury or issue & be more prepared for future events. Best wishes ... Sending out Chicken Love!

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