how to deal with issue with "free" eggs?

WOW! Thanks everyone - I've been gone all day and just came back - seems alot of us have this same issue unfortunately.

To answer a few questions - yes, I did say they were a thank you "gift" for what they did as a favor and I didnt think more of it as they hadnt been asking for eggs but once or twice since my girls started laying. I've given them a dozen eggs one other time, also as a thank you and dually noted. I'm with ya'll - its like now suddenly its "hey - free eggs next door"
I know they eat 4 eggs a day (they told me that) but come on - if you eat that many eggs -then go to the store and buy them - or pay me because my girls cannot lay that many eggs and keep my own family fed let alone someone elses. They've been over several times and seen the birds, so they know how well we keep them and how well their diets are, healthy, etc. I know our eggs are good - if they werent, I wouldnt have people asking "When will you have another dozen available?" and when I say "a few days" they simply just say "thats okay, we'll wait for them." That makes me feel great, obviously, but at the same time - not great enough to keep providing them for free to God and country LOL!

I think I'll just do exactly whats been suggested..."I have customers that come after our family gets our own needs met but if you'd like a dozen when I have extra, they're $1.50" - we'll see where it goes. I just dont think they see it like I see it - as in an annoyance or something - I guess they see it as "bein' neighborly" - I dont know. Awkward position to put us in though I think.

Thanks ya'll! (oh man..I hope no one's re-selling my eggs..that would upset me
$1.50 is very inexpensive for cage free eggs. That's what it costs here for the cheap white store eggs. The good eggs in the store range from $3.00-$5.00, many times more. i think you need to raise your prices, inflation, don't cha know.
We give our eggs away every week. However, we pick and choose who will get them THAT particular week.

You should tell these folks that you have a limited supply of eggs, you put good money into feed and shelter and it is YOUR decision to make who gets the eggs for that week.

Our neighbors love to get eggs, but we tell them UP FRONT that we have a group of people we give eggs to and they will get them when their time comes around again.

We mention that we put them on the list and now it takes a bit more time to get eggs to each person.

They should understand or you will need to tell them they can not expect to be put in front of others that you already have on your "list".

We get a lot of pullet eggs and one person in particular really likes to get these. Some prefer only brown eggs and some only white.

Those people do not get eggs near as often. Of course we eat them too, but not 14 a day.

One other thing. We make everyone give us a empty egg carton back for their next batch. This way we have their name on the carton and they get an idea when to expect the next batch.

When they are ready for the next give away, they give us their cartons.

We have had experiences where we would give eggs away and they IN TURN would give them to their friends and family. This of course proves to be fruitless and we just stop given them to those that think they need more to give to their families.

This may in fact be what you are up against.
I love this thread: it's saved my future butt because I know I'd end up with the same problem.

I like your response the best because "waiting list" and "customers" makes it real clear, but not snotty.

I think I'm gonna be like those old black and white movies they made us watch in school, where the big bad drug dealer says, "The first one is free."

And then mention they're $3.50 after that. (all organic)

I had the same problem with my very pushy BIL. We don't see them much but he always used to tell me to bring a couple dozen eggs when we saw each other. He also knew we sold them. When I had enough, I told him,
" We're having problems having enough eggs for our customers with standing orders. If we can't supply the standing order customers they will take their business somewhere else to buy their eggs and we'll lose that income".
The words in bold script are mine, but I made sure I used lots of words that suggested income, money, orders, business...
He actually had the nerve to say that when I had extras again let him know.
I guess you have to know the guy...
I know its inexpensive and yes, I could charge $3.00-$5.00 and get it, but...I'm not in it for the money really, I mean, if I can make a little bit to help with my girls "goodies" or even their pine shavings (one bag is $7.00 - that lasts them all month pretty much) then I'm good. Most of our neighbors are much older than we are and I do enjoy bartering as well for other things - eggs always work
. To me, its the principal of just assuming because one asks and I have chickens - they will get free eggs because its "neighborly". We live in Ag land - we're all allowed to have them - and many other animals, so, its just the principal of it moreso than the cost.

Maybe in the summer I'll up it at the Farmers Market when I have produce to sell as well - to the "city folk" ROFL!
We'll see... probably not..but... eh - we'll see.
I am in pretty much of a smiliar situation.

But, I can tell you what to do, but not do it myself. LOL

I think I would personally go over and tell them that you had an excess of eggs and anytime that you do you will be happy to bring them a dozen. But, you do have paying customers and you have to give them first options. Do it with kindness and they will surely understand. If not, that is their loss.

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