How to deter feral cats?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 27, 2011
Our "babies" will be ready to move outside soon. While we're building them a very secure "fortress" (welded wire run all around their coop, electrified fencing), our neighborhood has a feral cat problem. We live in a very remote community with both summer and year-round residents. Sometimes the summer complaints will abandon a cat for the rest of us to "enjoy". They invariable become established and wreak havoc on our songbirds, including endangered purple finches.

Our idiot neighbor, who feeds the birds himself, also feeds the feral cats. He calls them silly pet names, and calls them in for free feedings (but doesn't go so far as to adopt them). He's established a community of them here, and I keep finding them in the yard. They know the chickens are in the basement and hang out near the door. I doubt they have a chance to get our babies, but the constant, evil presence would have to be stressful for them! Any ideas on how to deter these nuisance cats from coming around?
You could start making them disappear...
Or, get a chicken-friendly dog.
Thats a shame. People don't realize the implications with feeding stray cats. Soon the numbers will double as the feed gives them a gathering place.
Most communities have a system in place to deal with feral animals. You are most likely taxed to pay for these services. These animals will have to be captured and most likely euthanized, a sad but necessary method of control.
I suggest you do your homework and see what your local government will do to rectify this situation as it is only going to get worse.
Good luck and keep us informed of your progress.
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A few little dogs and a dog door ... works for us
Specifically our dog Elsa, doesn't bug the chickens, but chases cats when they are in the back yard. She does not chase our cat inside - LOL! She also doesn't chase one certain cat that looks exactly like our previous cat we had to put to sleep a few years ago. She plays with that cat, maybe she thinks it is Hobbes and he just comes to visit now? When both cats were alive, we would always think Hobbes got out the dog door and we would run out to catch him, but he was inside sleeping somewhere. The thing that gave it away was, the other cat could jump the fence, and Hobbes was never out long enough to figure that out. All other cats get chased away.
Live traps and the local animal shelter is my friend when it comes to feral cats. Yes they might actually be someones pet, but if they want their pet back they can always go to the shelter and retrieve it.
Also ground red pepper sprinkled in doorways will discourage cats & dogs from sniffing around areas you don't want them to get a scent for (like around a basement doorways). Cats are very sneaky and it only take a moment for one to slip by you and stay hidden till you leave, I know this from experience. If you can refrain from using the outside door to the basement all together, it will eliminate that threat.
Anything you can do to make your property as unfriendly to cats as possible is a big bonus. Motion activated sprinklers for example. Turn your back with the run gate open and a cat will take advantage.
By the way I have a cat and he is 12 years old, love him to pieces would trade him for the world, but he has shown me just how sneaky & fast a cat can be when wanting to get to something.

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