How To euthanize a chicken humanely


8 Years
Oct 9, 2015
I was so upset yesterday I was talking to a veterinarian online. And she was telling me that a very humane way to euthanize a chicken and I’m not sure if this is correct or not is to go and get some Carburetor starter. Spray it on cotton balls and put them in a mason jar put your little chickens head in there and wrap her up with a towel let a little air in there so she doesn’t suffocate she’ll just go to sleep. What’s your opinion on this? My husband said he didn’t like it because he’s he’s forcing the poor chicken to put her head in the jar.I just had a really bad experience yesterday and I don’t never wanna go through that again ever.Shelley was my pet chicken I had her for seven years. She started getting sick in June I tried to take her to the vet but they told me they couldn’t take her because of the bird flu. Then she seem like she was getting better she was having a hard time walking she lost a lot of weight and her voice changed. But she was still eating and eating. I actually made an appointment and was taking her to the vet and my husband heard her in the backseat in the cage making really strange noises and said she’s not gonna make it. I will put her out of her misery. So he read online how to put a chicken down humanely and it was neck stretching. You just hold her like you’re petting her and just stretch her neck a certain way. Well he did it and then she was moving her body not her neck and threw up white stuff you know I couldn’t stop crying it was breaking my heart I thought she was suffering. In the meantime I did read a lot and talk to the vet online and says sometimes their body does move a little bit but she also made a loud noise like she was suffering. But how in the world is people know this the chickens don’t tell them lol. So any input on what I put up in the top please that would be great like I said I never wanna go through that again. Thank you for helping
I'm so sorry... I've personally never culled any of my hens nor am I a big advocator of euthanizatia, though sometimes it has to be done. I would suggest trying Arcenicum Album 30c. Crush 2 pellets and administer it orally. If they're ready to go, it'll help them pass quietly. If not, they it may actually help them get a bit better. Again, I'm so sorry about your baby... one of mine died today after throwing up a bunch... it's hard to watch :hugs
Over my lifetime and many raising chickens - I found that the best way to kill a chicken is with a shotgun - you aim at the back of the head - it dies instantly - never knows what happened - put some feed down on the ground so the chicken is eating it and then shoot it - one thing I have found out is that people often try to help a sick chicken and while doing that are only making the chicken suffer - putting the chicken down is the best thing for the chicken - actually people are unintentionally acting on their own feelings rather than the chicken's when they try to keep it alive - that goes with any animal -
I use the broomstick method, which is shown in this video

The only thing that you need to watch out for, is that your feet are secure before pulling. You don't want to take too long, but don't try to make to quick either, because that is when mistakes happen.
I'm so sorry it didn't go as planned :hugs I don't do CD by hand as I am not confidant of getting the right pull.
I use the broomstick method, which is shown in this video

The only thing that you need to watch out for, is that your feet are secure before pulling. You don't want to take too long, but don't try to make to quick either, because that is when mistakes happen.
I'm so sorry it didn't go as planned :hugs I don't do CD by hand as I am not confidant of getting the right pull.
Thank you for sharing this. I've not been here, yet. Seeing it properly done is helpful.
You shoot them and whack their heads? That doesn't sound humane at all.
actually, whacking their heads knocks them unconscious. shooting them in the head straight off is THE most humane way that exists, I have (unfortunately) put down many many many animals that way and the ALWAYS die instantly. No pain, a little flopping from nerves. I use a .22, but for people who aren’t allowed to shoot in the city, dislocating the neck vertebrae (broomstick method) is second most humane. No matter what ppl say, the animal does not see it coming, if your sick chicken or animal gets to that point it probably WANTS to end its misery. Do the right thing

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