How to Feather Sex chicks?

I think it has to be done the first day. If you can find the episode of Dirty Jobs where Mike is at a hatchery it explains it. Other than tha I don't know of any but I am sure someone else may know.

featherbaby~ if you go to the link I posted, this version of feather sexing should work on all breeds of chickens.

Thanks so much!

No problem! Anytime!
I know they used K and k in the slide in the link, but I'm going to change the designation to make it easier for me to keep straigt. I'll use a R for rapid feathering gene and S for slow feathering gene. That corresponds for upper case K for S and lower case k for R if you go by the slide.

If the rapid feather gene is R and the slow feathering gene is S, this will only work when the rooster is RR and the hen is S. Since it is a sex linked gene, the hen gives this gene to her sons but does not give it to her daughters. The hen only carries one copy of this gene, not two. That is why it is a sex linked gene. S is dominant over R.

The male offspring from this mating will have genes SR, one slow feathering and one rapid. Since S, the slow feathering gene, is dominant the males will be slow to feather.

The female offspring from this match will only receive an R gene from her father, the rapid feathering gene. She will not receive any gene for this trait from her mother. Since R is rapid feathering, the pullet will be rapid to feather.

Notice that, just like red and black sex links, this is limited to one time and only works when both the parents are pure for that sex linked trait. If you take the offspring of this match and mate them, you do not have sex link chickens. The rooster would start with RS and might give either of them to his children, whether male of female. The hen would start with R, the non-dominant rapid gene and will give it to all of her male offspring but none of her female offspring.

So the male offspring might get an R or an S from the father and would get an R from the hen, so half the male offspring would be RR and half would be RS. Since slow feathing is dominant, half would be slow feathering and half would be rapid feathering.

But half the females would get only an R from their father and nothing from their mother, while the other half of the females would get an S from their father and nothing from their mother, so half would be fast feathering and half would be slow feathering.
I think it has to be done the first day. If you can find the episode of Dirty Jobs where Mike is at a hatchery it explains it. Other than tha I don't know of any but I am sure someone else may know.

I've seen that clip that shows them sexing the chicks but it doesn't show what to look for when you do it.
Hi! Thanks for the valuable information! I've heard that only some breeds of chicks can be feather sexed, but you mention that it will work on any breed....why the controversy?? I've tried on the chicks I've most recently hatched, they are a mix, so hopefully it works because all three had the double layer!

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