How to for introducing a new pullet to a flock of 4 grown hens...


10 Years
Aug 26, 2009
Oakland, CA
My friend, Elizabeth, has 4 chickens. One is a rooster (Oreo), two are hens (Peep and Charcoal), and one is a White leghorn pullet (Baby). Elizabeth is leaving for vacation for a month and a week. Her neighbors will feed and water them and let them out. I have offered to take care of Baby while she is gone, because the older chickens are still quite hostile to her. They have met before, and they pecked Baby and cut her. Since Baby would be with me for a month and a week, would the older chickens get used to her by then? We have an smallish enclosure to put her in if they don't, but I would like to be able to keep her with them. I have heard things like introduce them to each other at night and leave them on the roost because they are calmer then, but I wouldn't want to take the risk with someone else's chicken. What really works? I would appreciate any help at all.

So would baby come to your house and live with your chickens? Or would you be going there every day to take care of her?

The best solution would be to get Baby a friend of the same age, but I know that's not always possible. If you need to separate her completely, you can put a mirror and feather duster in with her to keep her company. If she has to live with the rooster and 2 other hens, just make sure she's got plenty of places to hide. Once she's big enough to protect herself she'll be fine.
I introduced mine at night but it didnt work.
They beat them up at every occassion.

Mine had lots of places to run away and hide in, but for the first week it did involve a lot of running away and hiding from.
Then they just beat them up only when they saw them.
Today the big chickens were out and i was holding baby. baby flew out of my arms towards the other chickens, and my big barred rock shay charged her and attempted to peck her but i got baby before she did.
other then that, they barely payed any attention to her. they saw each other many times in the yard, but baby just kept her distance. i hope this works out!
I've read on here before that it is best to have them in the same run where they can see each other, but keep them seperated by chicken wire. They are supposed to integrate fine after being exposed without direct contact for a week or two. I don't know from experience, but there are so many people on here that have said this is the way they do it and have never had a problem.
Today i set up Baby in the big coop. Elizabeth (Baby's owner) sent her with this cage, so i put her in that inside the coop. At first she was a little nervous, but now she's used to them.

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