How to get adult chickens to love you????


In the Brooder
Oct 30, 2016
Hi everyone,

I got 3 adult chickens a few days ago and I am not sure how to get the to love me??? I have been spending heaps of time with them (giving them cuddles, pats and corn
, and also getting them used to me and my smell and looks) but I am not sure if there is something more I should do? I have never had chickens before and these ones do not LOVE people very much so any advise would be awesome! I love them so much but I want them to love and trust me.


I am very sorry, I am very new to this (
) and I did not know how to put this related to a different post!

Hi :welcome

You are doing all the right things but more time will be needed for them to gain your trust. I have found letting them come to you has worked best rather than catching them and giving them cuddles. Treats work really well when doing this. Once they have the confidence they will often jump up onto your lap. I sit down in the run with them as they don't see you as much of a threat if you are at their level.

Keep going with what you are doing and I'm sure you will have friendly birds in time :D

That is very helpful because I did not really know what I was doing! I will definitely use your advice, it sounds very helpful thanks!

It would be awesome if you could move my thread to the right section thanks!

Thanks so much for your help!
You are most welcome!

I have moved your thread to "Managing your flock" section. If you ever need anything moving/feel you have posted in the wrong section or you need a moderators help you can click the little red flag in the bottom left hand corner of your post. Leave a note and the moderators will be made aware of it.
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