How To Get Chickens To Stop Pecking Another Chicken?

When hens pick on each other it is upsetting. I have had to separate hens. This is primarily why I now have three coops
. BlueKote does help. Chicken saddles are helpful. Vicks did not work for me. I started feeding them a feed with 18% protein and that seemed to help. I realized that certain breeds are more aggressive and should not be together with less agressive breeds. i.e. RIR should not be with Australorps or Buff Orpingtons. RIR are too aggressive.
Some chickens pluck their own feathers... someone please explain that one. I do believe the higher protein feed helps. But separation for safety sake can be necessary.

I have never had a hen try to kill another. My roosters break up spats and may be preventing disasters.
I actually have a RIR ,an Australorp, Brahma and a buff Orpington, (all 1yro) and they get along great, (Brahma tries to be the toughest of those 4) but in my flock it's the 2 barred Rock (3yro) that feel the need to bully the makes sense since they had the place to themselves before the newbies came along. I don't know if it's possible to train them to stop bullying the others but I keep trying. I don't come between them unless I think they're being mean, but I'll leave them alone or just walk between them if they peck gently or keep chasing the younger ones away, but I'll put the 2 older ones back in the enclosure if they peck hard. Or I'll shout HEY and they actually stop. It seems logical that you can condition them out of that behavior, but sometimes I wonder if it's futile.
Thank you all for the wonderful ideas. I just started chickening.....Started with three chickens and just added two more two months later. I see how the pecking order can be stressing for both the chickens and myself. The owner told me to just throw them together, so I did. Now I know I need to introduce them slowly. Thanks again !
I will give the Vick's a try or something with menthol cos my cockerels are always at each other, even now when they have these white patches on their crown, though they are under treatment. Too much wounds :(:( .can I use it around their comb?? :hmm
feather picking. This is the only thread I could find that was dedicated. So I have a Polish who is working on #2 and they were all born together. They get worms 50% protein, oystershell and layer. It's been 4 years with no probleI think I'll try the vick's vapor rub. If it doesn't work I'll try pinless peepers. I have had them years ago.. Then I'll try moving her in with other chickens in my 4 pens/roots of birds. I hope I don't get to trimming her beak. But I can't have bloody heads.

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