How to get Mandarin duck eggs to hatch in incubator?


9 Years
Feb 16, 2013
My Mandarin duck pair had eggs in the box with the hen sitting on them. About a week and a half into her sitting, she decided to stop sitting on them. I waited all day to see if she would go back to them. I took the eggs and put them into my sportsman incubator. There was development in all 13 eggs. In the past, I can get them to develop well up until lockdown. Then, going into lockdown, some stopped developing and whatever remains usually die before they hatch? Are there special things I can do to successfully hatch Mandarin duck eggs? Thank you for any help.
Ok, update. I found an old post that had some info. Get humidity up while lockdown. I never got it really high before. Usually around 65. Now I got it to around 75-80. Also, add a tablespoon of bleach to the humidity water pan. That helps kill any bacteria floating around the incubator. I guess bacteria can get through the shells and eventually kill the developing chick. I moved eggs to smaller, plastic double decker incubator. Last couple days I saw some eggs moving a little when shining light on them. Yay, this morning I looked in on the eggs and 4 little duck faces were staring at me. Still more working on getting out of their shells. I finally had success hatching Mandarin duck eggs. Also, I would mist the eggs with small spray bottle that I keep in incubator to keep water same temperature(so water isn't cold and shock the chicks inside the eggs). Mist every other day. Some say hand turning is best, but I had eggs in sportsmans with quail and pheasant on egg turning tray. Hope my experience can help others. I know how frustrating it is when getting to lockdown/hatch day only to have chicks die in shell. I almost gave up trying to get some to hatch. Now I'm glad I didn't.
Soooo happy, I finally did it. Helped 3 out of their eggs towards the end. 1 wasn't strong enough but the other 2 made it. Got 9 total out of 13 eggs. So excited.


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