How to get rid of lice...


10 Years
Apr 28, 2009
Ocean State
Hi, I have 2 chickens that have lice. I know lots of people have been asking how to get rid of lice, and I did a search, and found that I should wash them. So I just got done washing my chickens first with salt and water, then with soap and water ( I used a shampoo for rabbits, hope thats okay), then with a rise of water and vinegar.

I saw lots of lice come off in the bath, but after drying them, they still had lice. My chickens have been broody and now have week old chicks, so I am not sure what to use to kill the lice that will not hurt the chicks.

Also the chickens have been in my house, in the bathtub. Will the other birds in my house catch the lice that the chickens have? I hope not. Also I have been reading that people can not catch the lice from chickens, but they were crawling on my arms and that as I was washing them and now I'm grossed out. I really hope that people can not catch bird lice. also will the lice spread in the house?

I am going to ask my friend who owns a petstore to see if he can order any thing for bird lice, is there any product that would be best to use. I do have sevin dust, but it is for plants, and I am not sure were to find DE.

I am going to wash them again in a few weeks, but I want to get rid of the lice as soon as possible. thankyou in advance for your replies and suggestions.
You want to make sure that the Sevin Dust is 5%, you can get it at walmart, also you can get Poultry Dust and DE at your Feed Store. Dust the pen, nests, inside coop in the dust holes and dust the Chickens. Make sure that you remove the food and water before you start. I have two cages side by side, one has all the chickens in it, take one out, dust it, put her into a pen, dust another, put her in the pen, until all are dusted keep them out of the main run until all has been dusted. With a bath you should get rid of them. I dust 2x a month at this time of year. I got this info from members on BYC. Tried it and it works.

Hope this works for you:frow I forgot to say, That I washed and disinfected my hutches with good old bleach water, before all the dusting. Make sure The coop/hutch/cage are dry. Good Luck
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i am having a time getting rid of mine! I dusted with permethium, de and now i just made a peremithium liquid and drenched their vent feathers with it. This has been a battle and have even thought of plucking the vent feathers to get the eggs off. It's been 2 months and i have treated weekly , daily and just about gave myself a headache doing so. The chickens, coop and run all done with mix of DE and peremythiem.Next will be head lice shampoo and if it kills the chickens...oh well! I am done~
Sorry for the vent, just came in after treating them. I need a time out~
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I read some place that if you coat the vent area and legs with Petroleum Jelly the fleas stick in it and can't breath. I washed my chickens in a good Dog flea and tick shampoo. You could see the fleas jump off. It didn't take very long for the chickens to dry. I put the Petroleum Jelly on vent and legs and I then dusted them. They acted like they enjoyed it, I think to get some relief! Poor things.

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thank you for the quick replies

I read some place that if you coat the vent area and legs with Petroleum Jelly the fleas stick in it and can't breath. I washed my chickens in a good Dog flea and tick shampoo. You could see the fleas jump off. It didn't take very long for the chickens to dry. I put the Petroleum Jelly on vent and legs and I then dusted them. They acted like they enjoyed it, I think to get some relief! Poor things.

I was wondering the same thing, I have dog flea shampoo, but I wasn't sure if it was safe to use on the chickens.

Also my chickens have been out of their coop for a little over a week. Would the lice still be in the coop?thank you again.​
I use the off lable use of Ivermectin and it also works on fleas, ticks, mites.
But recently a fella from the poultry club said to use NIX lice shampoo for your birds. I have not tried the NIX and have not seen that I've needed to.
Good luck!

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