how to get rid of Racoons in Attic!


9 Years
May 14, 2010
Macomb, Michigan
My daughter is having a problem with racoons in the attic.. she dealt with them last year and now they are back. She has a colonial and they were climbing up the bricks breaking into the soffit. They got rid of all the racoons and repaired the soffit... Well now they are back again!! and broke into the same place!! she does not know what to do.. it has cost them so much money...

I thought maybe mothballs would deter them... non of her neighbors have the problem just them...They tend to go up above the baby's room!! she heard clawing the other night... they have used loud music to get them out... but it isn't working.

Do you have any suggestions? Please!
Oh no! thats horrible and frustrating! We had rats in our attic one winter and they were a pain to get rid of...brand new house too...I would suggest using live traps to get them out of there. Then once they're all out closing up where they are getting in again. Sounds like she needs Billy the Exterminator to come help!
I've heard their poo is really bad, once it dries it makes dust in the air and can lead to respiratory problems and diseases. Hope everything goes good and they are out quick!!
They will all have to be trapped and permanently eliminated because once they find they can get in they'll keep coming back. The only other alternative would be to burn down the house with them inside but I'm sure that isn't what she wants to do. They are smart animals that not only have good memories but teach their offspring--as your daughter found out.
Get 2 live traps from homedepot and set them in the attic. I think the big traps run about $45 last summer I got them.

Once that is done then reinforce the area they break through,and keep traps set outside year round.Clean up the scat in the attic as most coons have high loads of roundworms.

Whatever you do do not put out any poison bait. Decomp smell from a mouse lasted us weeks,so I can only imagine a coon root.
trap n kill... I've also used bug bombs to get them out of an area in a hurry then fixed the access point where they were getting in. I think I used 4 bug bombs in a 20x20 area
Bug bombs that sounds fun ,plus they are cheap at dollar general.Bomb the racoons Bwahahaha I will so try that if I ever have that proublem...
I really want to thank all of you for your suggestions:hugs I will convey all of these to her. I think my son in law is putting out a trap or two and taking them far away (that is what he said)... They live in Canada so I think there is a law that they cannot kill them.. they will have to call a professional or something like that... (I believe that is what happened last year.. he accidentally went to work and came home and the raccoon froze to death... and they were scared that they would get into trouble.

I like the idea of bug bombs... and I don't think I have ever heard of the poop dust before.. (I am sure my daughter will love to hear that one:lau as she keeps that house really clean. No I don't think they would like to burn it down.. although that might have crossed their minds a few times... cause last year they had quite a few of them up there.. it is a big home and they actually didn't know the attic was so big...

She is sleeping with my granddaughter in another room and my son in law is in another while the music is playing..
Thank you again for all your help.
Trap and shoot, if you can't afford a trap, see if your local animal control will loan you one, they often do this. Also, some cities have "tool libraries" you can sign out tools, and traps may be among those tools.
And they'll have to really reinforce the area they keep breaking into and make it tough as steel to prevent the reoccurance and take them waaay far Billy the Exterminator 20 miles out in an approved habitat that will not likely to cause thier problem coons from becoming someone elses problems coons.
Trap and permanently remove quickly before the young are born. Then repair the entry point. They don't need a very large hole to gain entry.

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