how to get rid of Racoons in Attic!

Does Canada have such a thing as a animal control unit that could help them? I haven't talked to her for a few days... I have suggested she contact her insurance and or the aniimal control of their area.... I hope they have done so. it is worth a try. such a mess... they are financially strapped as many are right now.. so they are doing it all themselves. I told her if she does the smoke bombs I wil go over there and help her clean out my granddaughters room so they can seal it up..and then after we can clean the walls and carpet before putting things back... what a mess...

I had a large possum determined to make a home under my sink. I banged on the cabinet doors, put Clorox around to make the area smell bad, no luck, he was determined. I finally just set the trap, caught him, SSS.

I read somewhere about some people living in a house that had been empty for a while or something.... "It was hard to convince the animals that other animals lived there"
Thank you for all the suggestions... She thinks they finally got it out. They did ammonia, a cage, loud music, and some other things... The reason they didn't know is that their attic is so far up that the only time they heard it was if the raccoon was above the baby's room.. They haven't heard any thing since last year so they thought the problem was solved... until a couple of weeks ago, my daughter was reading a good night story and heard the loud scratching... my granddaughter said, "what's that mommy?" and she told her it was the rain... haha... They will have to keep a constant eye on the soffit.. although they cut down some large trees so the only way to get up is the bricks..

Unbelievable how these animals are!! Thank you all.
I'd be REALLY nervous about a raccoon anywhere near a baby, not long ago there was a story in Drudge Report, a raccoon fell through a ceiling into a kid's room, fortunately the kid was 8 or so and able to get out of its way, and the kid's father was home to take care of the coon, I don't think it was pretty.

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