How to get rid of rats!?

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Every since they started construction down the road where a trailer park used to be we have had a horrible time with rats, we have been using traps, sticky pads for rats and even used plaster of paris mixed with oats what happenx is they eat it and the plaster hardens in their stomachs and kills them. Husband bought a camera and at any tine at night yoh can see 2 to 5 mice and rats. I've ordered a Grandads auto feeder hopefully it will keep them away once they can't cant get any food
I put rat traps inside my pen with a crate over it and the rats can get to the traps and my chickens cant get to the trap. put out something heavy on top of the crate to keep it from moving if a chicken were to jump on it. has worked for me. I also heard to put some dry cement mix in a bowl and put oatmeal or something mixed in it and it dehydrates the rat and your pets don't want anything to do with it.
I mostly use this trap for mice but it works just as good for rats.Cover plastic bottle with peanut butter and fill 5 gallon bucket with about 8 inches of water (with mice only needs about 4 in. water) rodent runs up board jumps onto bottle for peanut butter bottle spins and rodent falls into water and drowns.I have gotten as many as 15 mice in a night.I usually set it out 2 twice a year and within 3 days each time rodents have all terminated.

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