How to get rid of "round-em up" or "hover-craft" flies

Enchanted Sunrise Farms

12 Years
Apr 26, 2007
Fair Oaks, California
i don't know what they are officially named, but these are smaller than house flies, and they hover in a group in the air, going in somewhat erratic circles. They hardly ever land.

We started with just a few on our back porch and near one of our chicken pens. Now we have hoards. They're getting in the house and flying in circles in front of our television. No fun trying to watch your favorite show at night with a swarm of flies in the way.

Any idea how to get rid of them without poisoning my family and pets?
Very funny!
And here i thought i was going to get a logical suggestion.

See, that's the thing, i don't know where they breed or what they eat. i just see them mid-air, flying in circles.
Same here, I know the little buggers you're referring to. I call them gnats or midges or "$#*^&" ...depending on how hot it is outside.

But, I seriously dont know what to do about them but curse and
When they're inside, a vacuum cleaner really helps cut down the numbers. Take the attachment hose and just suck 'em down. Hours of fun.
Do they like lights?? Coz a bug zapper might just help ya out.

We had the best success indoors with these little traps that look like inside out packing tape, or like a clear sticky mousetrap, it goes on the windows and when flies land on the windows they get stuck. Works wonderfully on "regular" houseflies anyway.
i know you arent talking about fruit flies..but would a fruit fly trap work on them?
does it look like a common house fly, or more like a little wasp? Do it they have bands/stripes?

We were just talking about "hover flies" yesterday, and discovered that they are actually called "syrphid flies" and eat pollen and nectar. Their larvae eat aphids. So, they're a beneficial insect.

Any chance of relocating them, maybe using a butterfly net? Just a thought.
We have them as well. In fact, I just googled "flies that hover" and ended up here. They started out on our back patio and just entered our house today. We also have chickens in the very back of our yard, but they aren't hanging around back there. The vacuum cleaner is the best sounding solution so far. We have kids and pets, so we need a natural solution. I tried spraying the crap out of them with air freshener, but they're still here. Ugh!!!

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