how to get some consistency with breeding


8 Years
Jun 22, 2011





Just wondering, for all you experienced breeders and those who work on their own colors and such. I don't want to achieve a new color besides what I have. I want the birds that i have to keep that coloring. How can I breed in the future generations that could produce some consistency so that they could be somewhat 'pure'. In that, i mean that if i breed two birds together, i can expect some chicks that end up looking very similar to the parents. Any advice or tips would be appreciated.
Line breeding is the only method by which you get consistant results. If you like what you have then breed that trio, take pullets from that mating back under the cock bird, and a cockrell back over those hens.
The birds pictured appear to be Millie Fluer with runaway white.. that will be no problem to continue to duplicate. Do not bring in any new birds.
Lets assign "names" here. Cock bird C1, Hens H1, Offspring cockrells c2. and pullets h2.

Year 1 C1xH1=c2,h2
Your next matings are
Year 2 C1xh2 Pen 1 and c2xH1 Pen 2
Year 3
C1xh2 Pen 1
c2xH1 Pen 2
Take cockrells from C1xh2 and mate to pullets from c2xH1. this is Pen 3
take Pullets from C1xh2 and a cockrell from c2xH1 this is pen 4

Now you have an established family with 4 breed pens, You can expand teh pens up to what ever makes you happy. Just select and cull. Do not bring in any "New Blood" as you will have the birds closely related close enough with teh same selection process on your yard and yet not so closely related that it will cause you a problem. Rotate breeder males every 5 years, and females every 3-4 years. You can maintain the line a very long time.
Breed that trio, and build a family of birds based on them.. You appear to have a millie Fluer pattern with runaway white. It will be no problem to duplicate those birds using that trio.
there is no need to bring in other birds for a very long time if you build a family line.
problem is i don't have 4 breeding pens. I only have 1. lol. I have a big pen and a smaller pen about half that size. that's it. i've been hinting at my dad to build me some chicken tractors this winter.. maybe i can nudge him along.
You only need the 1 pen for the first year, two pens the second year, and 4 pens the third year.. You have plentty of time.. You will need grow out or flight pens for the young and you will want to hatch a bunch..
I have a 'breeder cage' that I could use. that's what i have them in now. it can easily hold 3 birds. I could rotate the pairs/trios in and out to get eggs.
you need to leave the birds in one place, for the entire breeding season.. hens can carry fertile eggs for atleast a month, after being taken away from the males...

and each time you move the birds to a new pen, you create stress... stress usually works in the opposite way as success.

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